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Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going?

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Sunday Jan 19, 2025

Steve Taylor discusses his book Time Expansion Experiences: The Psychology of Time Perception and the Illusion of Linear Time
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
Although we often encounter the phrase ‘time is just an illusion’, everything about our subjective inner experience seems to suggest otherwise. The outer world too seems to conform to the same patterns, the flow of events and the apparently inescapable path from past to present and future. From the repetitive activities of our everyday lives to the vast cycles of life and death, of nature and the cosmos, all seems tethered to the tyranny of time. But what if time itself is merely a human construct, a way of trying to make sense of what is apparently happening?
What if all that exists is in fact an eternal ‘Now’ from which everything that is, ever has been, and ever will be, arises? Millennia of indigenous cosmologies, spiritual traditions, and now cutting edge science strongly suggest that mind, not matter, is fundamental. Time, and even space, would therefore lose their place as defining dimensions of reality, replaced by an infinite mindfield in which all possibilities are present and from which the events of our limited five-sense, three-dimensional perception appear and disappear. But if the past still exists and the future is already here, what does this mean for the present?
Previous interviews with Steve Taylor
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

Friday Jan 10, 2025

Christian Morris and Greg Moffitt discuss some of the tumultuous events of 2024.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
In their own peculiar way, the national elections in the USA, UK, and Ireland and events surrounding them were microcosms of tectonic shifts underway around the globe. As former British Prime Minster Tony Blair famously said in the wake of 9/11, “The kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux.” While the UK and Ireland have elected governments of incompetence, the incoming Trump administration is set to usher in a seismic shift in direction for the US, and by extension, the world.
Meanwhile, happenings in other realms get weirder by the day, the recent UFO/UAP phenomena and raging forest fires being interpreted by some observers as nothing less than manifestations of the trauma haunting the collective human psyche. In an era beset by uncertainty and trepidation, high strangeness is the New Normal.
Previous interviews with Christian Morris
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

Monday Dec 23, 2024

Neil McDonald discusses his latest book In Search of Ancient Wisdom
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
Across the ages, myths and legends tell of secret knowledge hidden from the mass of humanity and guarded by shadowy organizations and mystery cults dedicated to its preservation and use for their own nefarious purposes. Although the origins of this knowledge – sometimes referred to as The Perrenial Wisdom – are lost to the mists of time, at certain pivotal points in history evidence for its existence emerges, even if its true nature remains obscured. The legends of Atlantis, King Solomon, The Knights Templar, The Holy Grail, and Rennes-le-Château all point toward secret paths to immense wealth and power.
In the modern era, the elite echelons of the Nazi SS also tried to turn non-material forces to their advantage until their apparent defeat. But was it simply the German people who lost the war while the Nazi occult network went underground? In this wide-ranging discussion we probe the anatomy of The Perennial Wisdom and Western Mystery Tradition, revealing powers innate to humanity but accessible only by the most dedicated and determined.
Previous interviews with Neil McDonald
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Ruhr Hunter ‘Denned Earth / Decay and Rebirth’

Monday Dec 02, 2024

In a talk inspired by the 1959 post-apocalyptic science fiction novel A Canticle for Leibowitz, Mark Stavish discusses the preservation of knowledge – in particular occult and esoteric knowledge – as the world plunges into an ever more uncertain and unstable future.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
From an over-reliance on technology, to a lack of preparedness, and widespread general apathy, the potential threats to the entire library of human knowledge are growing in size and number. Spellbound by the myth of progress – the belief that progress is linear and ever upward – we are blind to the harsh lessons of history: the dark ages, wars, and catastrophes – man-made or natural – which mark the downfall of peoples, nations, and entire civilizations, and the heritage of their time. Although ancient knowledge has a way of surviving aeons of trial and tribulation, in this era of perhaps unprecedented danger, we would do well to consider what is in peril and what can be saved for our own sake and for the sake of those who come after us.
A Canticle for Leibowitz is a social science fiction novel by American writer Walter M. Miller Jr., first published in 1959. Set in a Catholic monastery in the desert of the southwestern United States after a devastating nuclear war, the book spans thousands of years as civilization rebuilds itself. The monks of the Albertian Order of Leibowitz preserve the surviving remnants of man’s scientific knowledge until the world is again ready for it.
Previous interviews with Mark Stavish
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

Monday Dec 02, 2024

Keith Thompson discusses his book The UFO Paradox: The Celestial and Symbolic World of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
In case after case related to UFO encounters and other unknown aerial phenomena (UAP), the same impasse is reached: testimony from witnesses on one side, dismissive responses from the authorities on the other. In the fertile void of this deadlock, however, lie extraordinary possibilities about the nature of mind and matter, spirit and soul, transforming the UFO into a celestial, metaphysical event.
Focusing on the possibilities found by exploring both sides of the debate, veteran UFO observer and reporter Keith Thompson shares profound insights and experiences from his several decades of research, revealing that the UFO phenomenon is decidedly real yet perhaps not what either side of the debate expects. He looks at UFOs as a genuine unknown, from outer space or manifesting from hidden dimensions, as well as the theories of skeptics and debunkers who insist that UFOs can be explained as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misidentified phenomena. He explores the modern flying saucer era against the backdrop of visionary experience – angelic visitations, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, religious miracles, and fairy tales – and shows how UFOs are simultaneously physical and spiritual, presenting a form of intelligence capable of altering the perceptions of witnesses.
Thompson reveals how the UFO phenomenon ultimately represents a call from the cosmos for humanity to open to greater dimensions of reality and recognize that our understanding of the universe is still far from complete.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Dionysiac ‘Iota Ceti Contact’

Thursday Oct 17, 2024

Camille Sauvé discusses her book Sorcerers of Stone: Architects of The Three Ages
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
All around the world are mysterious ancient monoliths with strange features, and abstract forms with underground grottos and cave systems. Most archaeologists cannot explain them and attribute their construction to the earliest known cultures in the area. Examining sacred sites in Peru and their counterparts around the world, researcher and journalist Camille M. Sauvé shows how these sites share specific architectural characteristics and reveal evidence of a very ancient culture that once existed worldwide. Weaving a tapestry of what early humanity looked like, Sauvé examines the writings of famous clairvoyants like Rudolf Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, and Edgar Cayce who recorded the works of early man through the Akashic records.
Besides the more esoteric questions about who could have built these wonders, the author also examines the unique properties of the monoliths themselves and the sophisticated science behind the construction of these sites. She shows how they seem to be placed on earth power spots and how most of the rocks have significant piezoelectric properties from high quartz and silica content. Revealing that many sacred sites are much older than previously thought, Sauvé shows that Peru may hold the secret to remembering our forgotten prehistory.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

Thomas Sheridan and Sara Mondaini discuss their book ‘Hocus Focus – Merging Forteana, Hauntology and High Strangeness’. 
Other interviews with Thomas Sheridan
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

Sunday Sep 15, 2024

Christopher Dunn discusses his latest book Giza: the Tesla Connection – Acoustical Science & The Harvesting Of Clean Energy
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
Sharing extensive new evidence and cutting-edge research that the Great Pyramid at Giza was an energy-harvesting machine, Christopher Dunn details how the ancient Egyptians might have generated clean power for their civilization and reveals how the pyramid builders and the inventor Nikola Tesla drew from the same universal knowledge.
Dunn reveals how the pyramids in Egypt served to stimulate the release and collection of electrons in the Earth’s crust by harmonizing seismic energy while also attenuating the accumulating stresses. Drawing on research into the phenomenon known as ‘earthquake lights’, the author shows how the pyramid builders were inspired by this phenomenon and learned to stress igneous rocks in order to harvest the resulting electron flow. Dunn also analyses the results of extensive acoustic testing and measurements at ancient sacred sites and shows how the pyramids were tuned to the Earth’s frequency.
While the pyramids’ sophisticated energy-harvesting abilities are now in disarray and disuse, some remnants of their technologies are still there, waiting to be rediscovered and provide our civilization with an abundance of non-polluting power.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

Thursday Jul 25, 2024

James Howard Kunstler and Greg Moffitt in conversation.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
To quote the opening lines from the 1979 science fiction series The Quatermass Conclusion, “In the last quarter of the 20th century, the whole world seemed to sicken. Civilised institutions, whether old or new, fell, as if some primal disorder was reasserting itself. And men asked themselves: Why should this be?”
Fast-forward to the first quarter of the 21st century, and we find ourselves in much the same quandary, living in what seems like an increasingly absurd dystopian movie. To quote my guest, “Everything organized at the gigantic scale is steaming toward failure: big governments, giant companies, the huge capital investment firms, global shipping, energy production, chain retailing, mass motoring, big electricity, big medicine, big education, big anything.”
But there’s more to our predicament than mere systems failure. Consumerist culture tells us that life has no meaning or purpose beyond material concerns, and led to a crisis in our collective consciousness manifesting nihilism and insanity on a hitherto unimaginable scale. Can we unmake this inhuman deathwish before it’s too late?
James’ latest book is CrazyLand: Dispatches on the Great American Derangement of Our Time
Previous interviews with James Howard Kunstler
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

Monday Jul 08, 2024

James Tunney and Greg Moffitt in conversation.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
Beyond even transhumanism, posthumanism seeks to eradicate the human being as we know it. Where transhumanism advocates augmentation and enhancement of the mind and body, posthumanism aims to replace humans completely, reducing the population of natural biological specimens as various forms of artificial intelligence take over. The signs of this transformation can be seen everywhere, from the war on the family unit to dependence-by-design on franken-foods and pharmaceuticals, and from the promotion of suicide – the so-called ‘right to die’ – and the undermining of social and cultural mores, gender, and even biological reality. Meanwhile, the boundary between fantasy and reality continues to blur as more and more of us live virtual lives surrounded by AI deep-fake deceptions. Will we really be the architects of our own extinction?
James’ latest book is AI Posthumanism: A Cryptic Soap Opera
Other interviews with James Tunney
Bumper music:Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Klaus Schulze ‘Zeitgeist’



Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going? These are eternal questions which humanity is compelled to ask but may never answer.

Are we merely born to buy? To consume and die? Is it in our nature to destroy ourselves? Is war our destiny? Or is there some greater purpose and grand design which lies beyond our primitive instincts?

The Earth appears to be descending deeper into chaos, but is the disorder and destruction simply part of a larger process?

From the nature of reality to the future of humanity, Legalise Freedom asks these questions and more, offering the listener alternative views on a wide range of topics.

  • Politics & Economics
  • Energy & Environment
  • Culture & Control
  • Science, Spirituality & Consciousness
  • Astronomy, Archaeology & Alternative History

From inner space to outer space, it’s a who, what, when, where, how and why of governments, money, resources, art, media, ecology, psychology, technology, religion, society, the past, the present, the future, and more.

Legalise Freedom radio online is hosted by independent UK writer and journalist Greg Moffitt and features interviews with some of the World’s foremost alternative thinkers and researchers. An archive of 370+ shows is available to stream or download.

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