Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Doug Matzke discusses his book Deep Reality: Why Source Science May Be the Key to Understanding Human Potential.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
The mainstream view of reality is based on time and space being fundamental. Past, present, and future lie on a linear axis, while our five senses interpret events occurring within a three-dimensional world. For well over a century quantum physics has been painting a very different picture of reality, but still we continue to cling to a very limited and incomplete model. The current research in artificial intelligence and transhumanism on which so many hang their hopes for our future simply misunderstands the nature of consciousness. Should we truly wish to advance as a species, we must fully integrate the insights of the quantum realm and cutting edge consciousness research into our view of life, the cosmos, and potential meaning and purpose in existence itself. If we open ourselves to the possibility that mind, not matter, is fundamental, then many of the mysteries which science either denies or ignores can be woven into a richer and much more colourful tapestry of life. Dreams, psychic phenomena, and the paranormal and supernatural events which form part of human experience can finally be integrated into individual and collective consciousness in a meaningful way. This more expansive and holistic understanding of reality can help us unlock our true potential.
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Round table discussion with the authors of The Red Pill Revolution.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
What if you discovered that the world you have been born into has been precisely designed in order to keep you unhappy, stressed, and struggling, all for the benefit of a tiny minority of others? The promise of comfort, security, and peace is always just around the next corner. Government you can trust, corporations that play fair, clean food, healthcare, being cared for in your old age, a world that feels like it’s getting better for each generation… Have you noticed that you can never quite seem to get there? Is this the way that you feel in your heart that human beings are meant to live? If your answer is ‘no’, then The Red Pill Revolution is for you. It’s not an easy pill to swallow, but it is necessary for anyone who wishes to navigate the chaotic and predatory culture we live in today. We all know something is just not right. We can sense the imbalance, injustice, and insanity. But what can we actually do about it?
The Human Unleashed
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Niall Murphy and Greg Moffitt discuss mainstream and alternative media, polarization in public debate, propaganda surrounding COVID-19, the global elite’s plans for the planet, reasons to be optimistic about the future, and much more.
More shows on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Jasun Horsley and Greg Moffitt ponder the question: “What if some people out there in the world are not like us?”
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
Some people go through life not quite feeling fully part of the human race. Surrounded by untold millions who seem to want from life only that which they are told they should want, those who refuse a simple life of comfort and consumption are often made to feel like misfits and failures by the corporate machines and media matrix which promote and profit from mass conformity.
But what if there are more bodies than souls on Earth and, despite what we are told, all people are not in fact created equal? Do all humans really have the same potential? Are all the people in the world fully human or, merely existing rather than living, even human at all? A Tulpa is a paranormal being created through spiritual or mental powers, either through a deliberate act of individual will or unintentionally from the thoughts of numerous people. Could this concept account for the strange, uncanny sense some people have about many of the humanoid beings they live among, and about a consensus reality splintering more and more with each passing day?
Previous interviews with Jasun Horsley
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
James Tunney discusses his book Empire of Scientism: The Dispiriting Conspiracy and Inevitable Tyranny of Scientocracy.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
We are in danger of ceding power to a centralised cadre of bureaucrats and billionaires who assume authority to exercise power as they wish, believing they know better. The materialist paradigm has given rise to an ideology of scientism, an idolatry of technology, and an obsession with control and surveillance that is shared by communists and capitalists alike.
Scientism is the expansion of science beyond appropriate boundaries to become an exclusive dogma. Hitherto separate and competing forces are now coalescing in a community based on the application of science to governance. Some scientists have described this movement towards a scientific world government, and yet those who protest are called delusional.
The emergent Empire of Scientism will be hostile to religion, spirituality, and human rights and will promote transhumanism, post-humanism, and represent the demise of homo sapiens. This is the endgame as conceived by certain mainstream scientists and their sycophants. Unless we wake up and embrace our spiritual consciousness, we are doomed to suffer totalitarian rule before our final demise.
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Thomas Sheridan and Jason Robba discuss their documentary Liber Velocity – The Apotheosis of Jack Whiteside Parsons.
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Born in 1914, Jack Parsons was an American rocket engineer, chemist, and occultist. Associated with the California Institute of Technology (aka Caltech), Parsons was one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. His professional career also overlapped with a decidedly unorthodox and at times controversial personal life in which the borders between science fiction, rocket science, and the occult blurred, and which involved associations with characters such as notorious occultist Aleister Crowley, Nazi rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Parsons died in mysterious circumstances aged just 37 and the question still remains: Was his death an accident, or murder?
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Thomas Lombardo discusses cosmic evolution and the future of humanity through the lens of science fiction.
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Our view of the future of our species tends to be coloured by very short term concerns. Most of us are too busy with the distractions and worries of everyday life to spend much time thinking about what lies ahead when we are no longer here. As for the future of the Earth, our solar system, and the wider cosmos, these are deemed the domain of scientific specialists and of little relevance to the urgent political, social, economic, and environmental problems which plague the present day.
However, contemplating the incomprehensible vastness of creation can help us recapture a sense of wonder and possibility, and nurture a cosmic consciousness which puts our present predicament into perspective. This mental evolutionary process may ultimately make the difference between survival and extinction for life in our remote corner of the galaxy. The discussion takes as its starting point the work of English science fiction author Olaf Stapledon, specifically his novels Last and First Men and Star Maker.
Previous interviews with Thomas Lombardo
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Stanislav Shevchenko ‘Gravitone’
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Beginning in August 2020, ‘Freedom From Fear’ is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
In this episode, Colin E. Davis and Melissa Mari contrast the evolutionary role of fear with the 21st century explosion in anxiety, neuroses, and declining mental health. We examine mainstream media fearmongering and propaganda and how our modern obsession with safety and security renders life joyless, restricted, and forever in limbo. We also discuss the proliferation of fear in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and ask, is freedom from fear actually desirable, or even possible?
Previous interviews with Colin and Melissa
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Dionysiac ‘New Star Broadcasting’
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Bestselling Norwegian novelist Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen discusses changing attitudes towards masculinity in the 21st Century.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
‘Toxic masculinity’ has become one of the most used and abused cultural labels of our time. Although generally defined as ‘The constellation of socially regressive masculine traits that serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence’, in the minds of many it has come to be synonymous with any traditional male role in family and society, and even with masculinity itself. Clearly, traits such as low empathy, excessive aggression, lack of emotion, and sexism are destructive, but they are not inherent to any reasonable definition of masculinity.
But this is just one of the challenges facing men – and particularly young men – in these tumultuous times. Changes within the structures of society have left many men adrift and confused about their own lives. Add to all this misplaced political correctness, disempowering cultures of blame and dependency, and unrealistic role models in popular culture, and you get a generation of depressed, disillusioned men lacking ambition, passion, drive, and direction. For men of any age, however, it is still possible to overcome these limitations and live meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling lives
Bjørn on YouTube
Other interviews with Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Dovinia ‘The Way of Wyrd’
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Neil McDonald discusses some of the wonders and mysteries of megalithic culture.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones. Stonehenge is arguably the best known megalithic site in the world. There are over 35,000 in Europe alone, located widely from Sweden to the Mediterranean. Their historic timeline extends from the Mesolithic and Neolithic stone age eras – some of the earliest sites date from around 10,000 BC – right through to the Bronze Age. The megalithic tradition in general came to an end around 1200 BC.
Megaliths were used for a variety of purposes ranging from boundary markers, reminders of past events, burial sites, to being part of the society’s religion. Some also have various solar and stellar alignments. However, many questions about their origin and purpose remain unanswered, not least the methods of their construction. If the stones could speak, they could tell us much about humanity’s history that is still obscure.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Black Sabbath ‘Stonehenge’
Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going? These are eternal questions which humanity is compelled to ask but may never answer.
Are we merely born to buy? To consume and die? Is it in our nature to destroy ourselves? Is war our destiny? Or is there some greater purpose and grand design which lies beyond our primitive instincts?
The Earth appears to be descending deeper into chaos, but is the disorder and destruction simply part of a larger process?
From the nature of reality to the future of humanity, Legalise Freedom asks these questions and more, offering the listener alternative views on a wide range of topics.
Politics & Economics
Energy & Environment
Culture & Control
Science, Spirituality & Consciousness
Astronomy, Archaeology & Alternative History
From inner space to outer space, it’s a who, what, when, where, how and why of governments, money, resources, art, media, ecology, psychology, technology, religion, society, the past, the present, the future, and more.
Legalise Freedom radio online is hosted by independent UK writer and journalist Greg Moffitt and features interviews with some of the World’s foremost alternative thinkers and researchers. An archive of 370+ shows is available to stream or download.