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Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going?

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Thursday Mar 23, 2023

Bruce Scofield discusses his book The Nature of Astrology – History, Philosophy, and the Science of Self-Organizing Systems
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
Our ancient ancestors recorded the rhythms of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, correlating these rhythms with weather, plant growth, and animal and human behaviours. From these early geo-cosmic recordings came calendars, astronomy, and astrology. While astrology is now mostly viewed as subjective fortune-telling, Scofield argues that astrology is not only a practice but also a science, specifically a form of systems science – a set of techniques for mapping and analyzing self-organizing systems.
Providing clear evidence that our solar system neighbours profoundly affect and shape life on our planet, the author shares modern biological and climate studies on the effects of Earth’s rotation, the Sun, the Moon, and the rhythms of light, gravity, magnetism, and solar radiation on terrestrial processes. He explores the early practice of astrometeorology, a method of weather forecasting used from ancient times into the Renaissance, revealing the links between the solar system, weather, and climate over large spans of time. He shares his own studies on the correlations between Saturn’s position and terrestrial weather as well as presenting a wealth of evidence on astrological effects and the theories and mechanics behind them. Presenting a broad look at how the cosmic environment shapes nature, Scofield shows how the practice and natural science of astrology can expand its applications in modern society, helping us understand ourselves and our place in the Universe.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Stellardrone ‘The Divine Cosmos’

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023

Jasun Horsley discusses his book The Kubrickon: The Cult of Kubrick, Attention Capture, and the Inception of AI.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
It’s hardly controversial to suggest that the 24/7 mass media matrix in which untold millions are immersed might be doing much more harm than good. But what if this addictive, obsessive diet of gaudily-lit screens and never-ending noise was actually the core of an agenda to mesmerize and manipulate humanity toward much darker ends? With our collective disconnect from reality already well underway, trash culture – sometimes disguised as art – is creating a subspecies for whom the distinction between fact and fiction will soon no longer exist. People with a susceptibility to being programmed – or even possessed – by outside influences. And the purpose? The harvesting of human sentience for the seeding of machine intelligence.
Previous interviews with Jasun Horsley
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Other themes composer unknown.

Friday Feb 24, 2023

Danielle Silverman and John Biggerstaff discuss Nigel Kerner‘s book Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence – The Battle Between Natural and Synthetic Beings for the Human Soul. This is a two part interview. Part one is here
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
In part two of the show we question the official narrative of human origins and evolution. Darwinian evolution of life on Earth certainly takes place but it cannot account for the origin of life or the mystery of consciousness. Nor does the Big Bang theory adequately account for the entirety of the known Universe. We explore this in the context of Kerner’s theory of interdimensional entities and their sinister involvement with humanity’s development since the earliest epochs of our species. The agenda of these synthetic non-human beings will lead to nothing less than the loss of the human soul. To this end, technology is key. The modern myth of progress tells us that all technological advancement is good. This, however, plays into the hands of our manipulators. Is it possible that innate human abilities have gradually been lost to technological prosthesis? Telepathy to telecommunications, for example. Today, transhumanism claims to offer the impossible: immortality in a physical system. This must be understood before it is too late. If these alien predators achieve their aims, humanity will simply be phased out. Machines will be all that is left.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’Dionysiac ‘Iota Ceti Contact’

Saturday Feb 11, 2023

Carl Abrahamsson discusses his book Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
Since the dawn of time, magic has been the node around which all human activities and culture revolve. As magic entered the development of science, art, philosophy, religion, myth, and psychology, it still retained its essence: that we have a dynamic connection with all other forms of life.
Exploring the source magic that flows beneath the surface of culture and occulture throughout the ages, Abrahamsson offers a ‘magical-anthropological’ journey from ancient Norse shamanism to the modern magick of occultists like Genesis P-Orridge. He looks at how human beings relate to and are naturally attracted to magic. He examines in depth the consequences of magical practice and how the attraction to magic can be corrupted by both religious organizations and occult societies. He shows how the positive effects of magic are instinctively grasped by children, who view the world as magical.
Sharing his more than 30 years of experiences in the fields of occulture and magical anthropology, Abrahamsson explores ancient and modern magical history to reveal the source magic that connects us all, past and present.

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023

The latest in an ongoing series of dialogues with James Tunney exposing the assault on humanity by the emerging global technocratic dictatorship. James’ latest book is Plantation of the Automatons – Rule of an Automaticity Loop.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com.
In the early 21st Century, there is a war against humanity. Non-material forces and ultra-dimensional entities appear to be involved. They deny the existence of powers beyond five-sense, three-dimensional reality while simultaneously using them against us. Ultimately, this is a spiritual battle and their agenda is profoundly anti-human. Who are they, what do they want, and why do we surrender?

Thursday Jan 19, 2023

Danielle Silverman and John Biggerstaff discuss Nigel Kerner‘s book Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence – The Battle Between Natural and Synthetic Beings for the Human Soul.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com. 
Humanity’s greatest existential threat is our headlong rush to a techno-utopian future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices which are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. As Nigel Kerner reveals in astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.
Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial. The Grey alien entities, reported in many abduction accounts, appear to be bio-machines, synthetic beings sent out as AI probes to gather information about something they lack but that humans and other natural beings possess: a soul. Examining scientific, historical, cultural, and religious evidence for Grey alien visitations as far back as 40,000 years ago, the author reveals that the Greys themselves set us on this path toward artificial intelligence. Kerner shows how our intrinsic nature is no longer entirely human – our natural consciousness and DNA have been hacked, and an artificial construct has been superimposed at the very foundation of our thinking processes. The author shows how this artificially intelligent future was seeded by the Greys in order to control us and prepare us to fit in with their agenda for humanity.
Revealing the secret alien hives on our planet, their connections to governments, and their ultimate endgame to alter our DNA and harvest our souls, Kerner shows how, by developing yourself on a soul level, by recognizing your individual connection to divinity, you can protect your soul field and your consciousness from the Greys’ manipulations.

Saturday Jan 07, 2023

Sarah Janes discusses her book Initiation Into Dream Mysteries – Drinking From the Pool of Mnemosyne.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com. 
Most people tend to regard their dreams as possessing little or no significance, randomly-generated mind-movies which sometimes feature people, places, and events from their daily lives. Others, however, imbue dreams with utmost significance, seeing within them profound reflections and understanding of waking reality. The latter approach is certainly closer to how humanity has interpreted dreams throughout recorded history. It is apparently only in recent times as militant materialism has become the dominant paradigm that dreams have been relegated to the same backwater as consciousness itself – mere epiphenomena of a purely biological brain.
But things are changing. As cutting edge consciousness research and advances in quantum physics continue to reveal a fundamentally-interconnected cosmos, levels of reality beyond the five-sense, three-dimensional – such as the dream space – are beginning to re-assert their importance in our so-called ‘waking’ lives. At the same time, however, dreams are in danger. The all-pervasive electromagnetic fields of modern technology and toxicity from diet, drugs – legal or otherwise – and the wider environment are rapidly diminishing both the conscious and subconscious mental capacities of millions. Initiation Into Dream Mysteries, therefore, is a timely wake-up call for us all.

Saturday Dec 10, 2022

Mitch Horowitz and Greg Moffitt in conversation inspired by Mitch’s latest book Uncertain Places: Essays on Occult & Outsider Experiences.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
Our contemporary culture is dominated by materialism. The materialism of conspicuous consumption, endless info-tainment, and social media addiction, and the materialism which tells us that the entire universe and life itself are random accidents utterly devoid of meaning or purpose. But modern materialism, however you look at it, is falling apart.
The latest developments in quantum physics and psychic research have already fatally undermined materialism’s self-declared monopoly on truth, often by using the very scientific methods once used to debunk them. But unlike celebrity gossip or political fear mongering, news of paradigm shifts in our understanding of reality spreads slowly. This will change.
Cutting edge consciousness research strongly suggests that mind, not matter, is the ground of reality. On both an individual and collective level, the implications of this are vast. If the cascading crises currently plaguing our planet are simply reflections of false beliefs about ourselves, each other, and reality as a whole, then we have the power – each of us starting with ourselves, right now – to change everything.
Other interviews with Mitch Horowitz

Monday Nov 28, 2022

The latest in an ongoing series of dialogues with James Tunney exposing the assault on humanity by the emerging global scientific dictatorship. James’ latest book is Plantation of the Automatons – Rule of an Automaticity Loop
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.
The assault is triple-pronged:
Technology – Complete control and surveillance under the guise of entertainment and security.
Technocracy – Rule by unelected, unaccountable, technical and scientific ‘experts’.
Transhumanism – The ‘augmentation’ of the human mind and body by science and technology with the eventual goal of eliminating the species entirely through a process of total transformation.
Developments to watch out for as the agenda advances:
Social credit systems – Rewards for ‘good’ behaviour.
Mandatory vaccinations – ‘Passports’ for international travel.
Digital currency – Cashless society, all transactions recorded.
Universal Basic Income – Subsistence income instead of a job. This can be withdrawn for ‘bad’ behaviour.
Previous interviews with James Tunney

Thursday Nov 24, 2022

Carole Nervig discusses her book The Petroglyphs of Mu – Pohnpei, Nan Madol and The Legacy of Lemuria.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot ComMyths and legends from around the world tell of a lost, ancient civilization swept away by a major catastrophe during prehistoric times. The people or peoples dimly-remembered are often said to have been technologically advanced, culturally sophisticated, and capable of amazing feats that the scientists and engineers of our age still cannot comprehend. The fate of both Lemuria and Atlantis represent perhaps the best-known telling of such tales. Biblical stories such as those of The Fall of Man and Noah and The Ark – the latter also reflected in the many other flood myths – echo suppressed species memories of some ancient cataclysm which may have brought humanity to the brink of extinction. Other cosmologies paint a very different picture from mainstream accounts of human antiquity and evolution, including our origins among the stars, or perhaps even other dimensions of space-time. As we collectively face an increasingly uncertain future, what might the past have to teach us about the people that we were, that we are, and that we could be?



Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going? These are eternal questions which humanity is compelled to ask but may never answer.

Are we merely born to buy? To consume and die? Is it in our nature to destroy ourselves? Is war our destiny? Or is there some greater purpose and grand design which lies beyond our primitive instincts?

The Earth appears to be descending deeper into chaos, but is the disorder and destruction simply part of a larger process?

From the nature of reality to the future of humanity, Legalise Freedom asks these questions and more, offering the listener alternative views on a wide range of topics.

  • Politics & Economics
  • Energy & Environment
  • Culture & Control
  • Science, Spirituality & Consciousness
  • Astronomy, Archaeology & Alternative History

From inner space to outer space, it’s a who, what, when, where, how and why of governments, money, resources, art, media, ecology, psychology, technology, religion, society, the past, the present, the future, and more.

Legalise Freedom radio online is hosted by independent UK writer and journalist Greg Moffitt and features interviews with some of the World’s foremost alternative thinkers and researchers. An archive of 370+ shows is available to stream or download.

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