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Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going?

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Thursday Nov 11, 2021

Mark Stavish discusses his book The Path of Freemasonry – The Craft as a Spiritual Practice.
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In this practical guide, Mark Stavish details the spiritual lessons and rituals of Freemasonry as a step-by-step path of spiritual development and self-improvement for both Masons and non-Masons, men and women alike. He explores the history and meaning of Freemasonry and its symbols – from its origins in the Temple of Solomon to the Medieval craft guilds to the Renaissance – and explains how the Craft promotes personal growth through the symbolic building of self and an inner Temple of Wisdom in much the same way that Masonry’s rituals symbolize the building of Solomon’s Temple in accordance with mystical architectural instructions.
Drawing on esoteric doctrines, including the Qabala, alchemy, sacred geometry, and the secrets of the Gothic cathedral builders, each chapter addresses an area of the Masonic experience, paralleling them with experiences each of us find in our own lives. The author provides simple practices to help internalize and personalize the lessons presented, including dreamwork, journaling, meditation, prayer, and understanding sacred architecture. Providing the tools to make the Craft an initiatory experience of self-improvement, Stavish shows that, ultimately, the Masonic experience is the human quest for self-realization and self-expression, so that we each may find our place in the Temple of Wisdom.
Previous interviews with Mark Stavish

Saturday Oct 30, 2021

James Tunney discusses some of the ideas raised in his book TechBondAge.
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We like to think of technology as liberating and levelling, allowing open access to information and greater equality of opportunity. However, in the early 21st century it is becoming increasingly clear that the technologies of connection and communication are turning and being turned against us. To the dysfunctions caused by over-reliance on and addiction to consumer technologies are being added the insidious impositions of a matrix of coercive control and surveillance rapidly encircling the Earth. Mainstream media, mindless entertainment, and other weapons of mass distraction are blinding billions to the high-tech dystopia currently being constructed all around them, from which there may soon be no escape. Many of us have already experienced being denied access to the global informational grid, whether by holding the wrong opinions or by simply not possessing the latest gadgets. The possibility of a future where there are no alternatives should give us all pause for thought.
Previous interview with James Tunney

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021

Swedish medical doctor Sebastian Rushworth is currently one of the most measured and unbiased commentators on Covid-19. His book Covid: Why Most of What You Know is Wrong examines some of the most central questions about the pandemic:
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How deadly is Covid-19?
What is long Covid?
How accurate are the Covid tests?
Does lockdown prevent Covid deaths?
What are the harms of lockdown?
Do face masks stop Covid?
Are the Covid vaccines safe and effective?
Why did the world react so hysterically to Covid?
Rushworth demonstrates that Covid-19 is nowhere near as bad as it is portrayed by the mainstream media. He shows that the mortality rate is below 0.2%, meaning that for most people the risk of dying if infected is less than 1 in 500, and less than 1 in 3,000 if you’re below 70. The disease preferentially strikes people who are anyway very close to the end of life, so the amount of lifetime lost when someone dies of the disease is usually tiny.
He also shows that 98% of people who get Covid are fully recovered within three months, and that there is no good evidence that Covid results in long term health consequences. Moreover, he points out that the measures taken to fight Covid, such as lockdowns, huge fear campaigns, and school closures, will result in far more years of life lost than will be directly lost to the virus. The data used in the book is publicly available, and frequently published in some of the most prestigious and respected scientific journals in the world.

Saturday Oct 02, 2021

Thomas Lombardo discusses his books Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future volumes two and three. Even if you think that science fiction is not for you, if you are concerned about the past, present, and future of the human species, the Earth, and the wider cosmos, you may find much of interest in this extensive interview.
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Science fiction is the most visible and influential contemporary form of futurist thinking and imagination in the modern world. Similar in many ways to the great myths of the past, science fiction is so popular because, in dramatic narrative form, it speaks to the whole person – intellect, imagination, emotion, human values, and the senses – providing fantastical and visionary stories that engage and enlighten us, expanding our consciousness and inspiring our ongoing future evolution.
Lombardo’s series Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future describes the historical development of science fiction from its ancient mythological origins up through contemporary times, explaining how science fiction has emerged as our modern mythology, and how science fiction has both reflected and guided the evolution of human consciousness, society, and scientific-technological imagination and creation.
Previous interviews with Thomas Lombardo

Saturday Sep 25, 2021

Kingsley Dennis discusses his book Unified – Cosmos, Life, Purpose: Communicating with the Unified Source Field & How This Can Guide Our Lives.
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Topics discussed include:
Our loss of connection to nature, the wider cosmos, each other, and ourselves.
Technology as a tool for control and surveillance.
Technocratic tyranny and the transhumanist agenda.
How COVID-19 has caused unprecedented fear, division, and polarization.
Rudolf Steiner on vaccines and spirituality.
The importance of a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
Consciousness as the fundamental basis of reality, and our role in co-creating it.
Previous interviews with Kingsley Dennis

Friday Sep 10, 2021

David Birch discusses some of the ideas in Pandora’s Book: 401 Philosophical Questions to Help You Lose Your Mind (With Answers).
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Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Although generally considered an academic discipline, all of us at some point in our lives engage in philosophical reflection, often in times of change or crisis. This turn inward sees the mental bandwidth normally occupied by everyday banalities given to thoughts of meaning and purpose in life, and may result in profound personal growth. However, mainstream education, committed as it is to churning out obedient workers and compliant consumers, does not encourage deep meditation on life’s big questions. If it did, few of us would be living the lives we now lead.

Monday Aug 30, 2021

John Michael Greer discusses spirituality in an age of decline.
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If you do not consider yourself spiritual or remotely interested in spirituality, do not think that this is not for you. As industrial civilization continues to cascade into chaos, questions of meaning, purpose, and what life really is will become more important than ever. The myth of endless progress tells us that modern material lifestyles can only get better and that science and technology can solve any problem.
Despite this hubris, it is becoming increasingly clear that the material world is a place of limits and no amount of wishful thinking can avoid looming crises in energy, economy, environment, and in society at large. History tells us that religiosity often re-emerges in times of strife, even if religions themselves often have little to offer the social problems of the day. Taking the twin perspectives of perennial spiritual teachings and cutting edge quantum science, we ask what we can still accomplish and what there is to hope for.
Previous interviews with John Michael Greer

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021

Beginning in August 2020, ‘Freedom From Fear’ is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point.
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In this episode, Mark Stavish and Greg Moffitt discuss how fear stops us living. Our inability to deal with uncertainty, ambiguity, and our own mortality often causes us to lead shallow, meaningless lives. Our culture tells us that existence is meaningless and fear stops us from challenging this – fear of castigation, fear of standing out from the crowd, and fear of what we might discover about ourselves if we looked deeper. But there are profound consequences to how we live our lives even if we try to deny it. Ultimately, it is still possible to carve out a path of meaning and purpose in a society in decline. A fearless approach to fear may help kill fear altogether.
Previous interviews with Mark Stavish

Saturday Aug 07, 2021

John Waters and I discuss science, spirituality, and the coronavirus crisis.
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In a wide ranging conversation we move from mainstream media manipulation to meaning and purpose in life, faith and the existence of a higher power, the meaning of freedom and our growing obsession with so-called safety, science as the new religion, and the spiritual battle and assault on human consciousness which now threatens our survival. Something very dark is unfolding at this time which cannot simply be explained away in the name of a public health emergency.

Sunday Jul 25, 2021

David Elkington discusses his book The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine.
Listen to the full show on Legalise Freedom Dot Com
The Earth resonates at an extremely low frequency. Known as the Schumann Resonance, this natural rhythm precisely corresponds with the human brain’s alpha wave frequencies at which we enter into and come out of sleep as well as the frequency of deep meditation, inspiration, and problem solving. Sound experiments reveal that sacred sites and structures like pyramids and cathedrals also resonate at these special frequencies when activated by chanting and singing. Did our ancestors build their sacred sites according to the rhythms of the Earth?
Exploring the acoustic connections between the Earth, the human brain, and sacred spaces, David shows how humanity maintained a direct line of communication with Mother Earth and the Divine through the construction of sacred sites such as Stonehenge, Newgrange, Machu Picchu, Chartres Cathedral, and the pyramids of both Egypt and Mexico. He reveals how human writing in its original hieroglyphic form was a direct response to the divine sound patterns of sacred sites, showing how, for example, recognizable hieroglyphs appear in sand patterns when the sacred frequencies of the Great Pyramid are activated.
Looking at ancient hero legends – those about the bringers of important knowledge or language – Elkington explains how these myths form the source of ancient religion and have a unique mythological resonance, as do the sites associated with them. The author then reveals how religion, including Christianity, is an ancient language of acoustic science given expression by the world’s sacred sites and shows that power places played a profound role in the development of human civilization.



Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going? These are eternal questions which humanity is compelled to ask but may never answer.

Are we merely born to buy? To consume and die? Is it in our nature to destroy ourselves? Is war our destiny? Or is there some greater purpose and grand design which lies beyond our primitive instincts?

The Earth appears to be descending deeper into chaos, but is the disorder and destruction simply part of a larger process?

From the nature of reality to the future of humanity, Legalise Freedom asks these questions and more, offering the listener alternative views on a wide range of topics.

  • Politics & Economics
  • Energy & Environment
  • Culture & Control
  • Science, Spirituality & Consciousness
  • Astronomy, Archaeology & Alternative History

From inner space to outer space, it’s a who, what, when, where, how and why of governments, money, resources, art, media, ecology, psychology, technology, religion, society, the past, the present, the future, and more.

Legalise Freedom radio online is hosted by independent UK writer and journalist Greg Moffitt and features interviews with some of the World’s foremost alternative thinkers and researchers. An archive of 370+ shows is available to stream or download.

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